‘People make Places. Places make People’.... In 2011 villagers began an online Open Archive on an informal basis. We have been recording events, logging images, sharing ideas and making comments for several years. You are welcome to browse its entries and view its pictures. The archive was closed for submitting new entries in February 2019. |
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Submitted by: andrew On: 31/12/2014 at: 14:25 Location: Drimpton Mobile Library Mobile Library Service – Use it or lose it! The Mobile Library visits Drimpton fortnightly on WEDNESDAYS from 11.55am to 12.25pm, stopping at Oxhayes. Membership is free and the Library van carries a good selection of books and DVDs for all ages. (There is a small charge for DVDs). The Librarian can offer advice about Library services and can order books and other materials for delivery on the next visit. Internet users can browse the whole Dorset Library catalogue online and, with library membership, order books etc. online for delivery via the Mobile Library, there is no additional charge for this. Dates for Library visits are on the ‘What’s On’ page of the Drimpton website: http://www.drimpton.org.uk/whatson.php which includes a link to the Library catalogue: http://libcat.dorsetforyou.com/ |
Submitted by: andrew On: 31/12/2014 at: 14:24 Location: Drimpton Speedwatch As part of the new 20 MPH speed limit being introduced in Broadwindsor in the spring the Parish Council will be purchasing Speed monitoring equipment to help slow the traffic. The equipment will be similar to what has been used in Clapton and will also be available for Drimpton to use. With that in mind, we need volunteers to be trained in its use. I believe someone has already spoken to Alex Bishop, our community police officer, about this. Can any volunteers who wish to be trained and help slow the traffic through our village please contact Roger Smith. |
Submitted by: andrew On: 31/12/2014 at: 14:22 Location: Drimpton Carols and Christmas Show CAROL SINGING: A fine clear evening brought a large number of villagers out to sing around the village. This year there were two ‘choirs’ who divided the village up between them and got a great response. A grand total of £217.75 was raised which has been donated to two charities offering help to homeless people. CHRISTMAS SHOW: The Hall was almost full for the annual show. The audience was well entertained, and the children, as always, gave ‘star’ performances. With money coming in from entrances, raffle and refreshments the substantial amount of £330.94 was raised which has been donated to ClicSargent, helping children suffering from Leukemia and Cancer. |
Submitted by: andrew On: 31/12/2014 at: 14:20 Location: Netherhay Netherhay Lane ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984, TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF NETHERHAY LANE, DRIMPTON – 12th to 16th JAN |
Submitted by: Centaur On: 28/12/2014 at: 18:58 Location: NEW LOCATION A coastal walk Enjoying the beautiful weather and coastal walk at Lyme today. Cloudless sky,serene sea and lovely wife. What more could one want. Click on a thumbnail to view the photograph. Click on the photograph when finished. |
Submitted by: Centaur On: 27/12/2014 at: 16:33 Location: NEW LOCATION A coastal walk Enjoying the sunshine at West Bay with Kay. Click on a thumbnail to view the photograph. Click on the photograph when finished. |
Submitted by: Centaur On: 22/12/2014 at: 05:41 Location: Drimpton Carols at the Chapel A wonderful evening of service with carols was realized at the Methodist Chapel Netherhay. Our thanks go out to all that undertook the organisational process and provided all the attendant flock with the service and provisions, which were exceedingly good. |
Submitted by: andrew On: 17/12/2014 at: 08:15 Location: Drimpton Carol Singing Round the Village On Monday 15th, on a crisp clear evening under a star-spangled sky, a large group of village carol singers met up by the bollards between Applefield and Marksmead. There Mel and Maurice provided warming drinks to get us started. As there were enough of us this year to divide into two ‘choirs’ we were able to set off on two routes. One group tackled the ‘wilderness’ route leading off to Netherhay and the back road along Netherhay Lane to Drimpton Cross and Chard Road; tough going and muddy underfoot but with two refreshment stops en route at the Hedditches and the Hornes. The second group headed off towards ‘metropolitan’ Drimpton along Crewkerne Road, Bridport Road and back down Chard Road. Though this group had no refreshment breaks, they had Jonathan the Trumpeter with them and so were able to generate a truly Big Sound! Two hours after starting the two groups met up at Oxhayes and the combined ‘choir’ finished off. Feeling very satisfied at having this year sung to the whole village we all adjourned to the Village Hall for hot chocolate and nibbles provided by Rosemary. The result of the evening was that we had collected £217.75 which is to be shared between a pair of charities who provide support for homeless people. |
Submitted by: Norman On: 12/12/2014 at: 19:25 Location: Drimpton Christmas Lunch 2014 Over 70 people, including the 'staff', sat down to the village Christmas Lunch on Wednesday 10th December. A choice of main course followed by a huge selection of the famous 'Drimpton puds' (seconds and thirds - of course!) Congratulations must go to the organising team for serving up a delicious meal to so many. Thanks also to all who came and supported this ever popular event. Proceeds, as usual, will go to charity; this year the Salvation Army. Click on a thumbnail to view the photograph. Click on the photograph when finished. |
Submitted by: andrew On: 4/12/2014 at: 18:33 Location: Drimpton extracts from village newsletter for December A GOODBYE MESSAGE from Pat and Keith Tubb: “As some of you may know we are emigrating to Australia where our sons already live. We have lived in Drimpton 28 years and would lie to say goodbye and a big thankyou to you all for being such a friendly and supportive community. We have loved our time here and will miss you all very much.†**** THANK YOU: -A big thank you to Irene, Mary and Val for organising such a great dance for us all to enjoy (the Hall was packed) and for the generous contributions to Village Hall and Drimpton FC funds. -Thank you again to Joanna and Francis for putting on another hugely successful Halloween Monster Mash Party, which was enjoyed by nearly 50 children and raised funds for the Youth Club. **** MON 1st DEC: ADVENT LUNCH at the Village Hall from 12.30pm Fully booked – this is a reminder to ticket holders. SUN 14th DEC at 11.00am: CHRISTINGLE at St Mary’s Church A Service for all children aged 0 to 100+ Led by Neville Adams…………Supporting The Children’s Society **** WED 10th DEC: FILM CLUB at the VILLAGE HALL at 7.30pm…… ‘JERSEY BOYS’ Based on the hit Broadway show, Clint Eastwood's take on the story of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons digs at the gangland drama behind the 60s crooners’ success. Starring Michael Lomenda, Vincent Piazza and Christopher Walken. **** WED 10th DEC: CHRISTMAS LUNCH at the Village Hall from 12.30pm….This is a reminder to ALL ticket holders. **** FRI 12th DEC: YOUTH CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY at the Village Hall from 6.30 to 8.00pm – Lots of FUN & GAMES. Plus PRIZES! **** C H R I S T M A S B I N G O On SATURDAY 13th December At the Village Hall – Doors open at 6.45 for EYES DOWN at 7.30pm Presented by Drimpton Football Club – Open to All! Range of Christmas Prizes – Refreshments – Raffle 10 Games - £1 a book **** MONDAY 15th DEC from 6.30pm C A R O L S R O U N D T H E V I L L A G E Each year Drimpton Carollers meet up to sing. No previous experience and precious little musical talent are needed! We always raise funds for charities for the Homeless. Wrap up against the cold, wear wellies, and bring a torch to help light our way and read the words. We also need door-to-door collectors. If you’d just like to rattle a tin, please come along. Our starting point is at the end of Applefield Road, by the bollards. Carollers will then divide into two equal groups and hope to sing to the whole village! Please, everyone, listen out for us. Finally, refreshments at the Village Hall for the Choir! **** PUB NEWS: TUES DEC 2nd / JAN 6th : FOLK NIGHTS – for Musicians & Audience from c9.00pm SUNS DEC 7th / JAN 4th : QUIZ NIGHTS – Bring a Team or join one on the night, from c8.00pm For OPENING HOURS over the CHRISTMAS PERIOD see POSTER displayed in Pub window. **** CHRISTMAS SHOW with CAROLS on FRIDAY DECEMBER 19th at 7.30pm at the Village Hall The Annual Village Get-Together SKETCHES, SONGS, MUSIC & FUN Performed by villagers of all ages. The audience has its chance to raise the roof, too. And we are hoping for a visit from a Surprise Guest! With refreshments…………Entrance £2 – Children are FREE Plus a RAFFLE with a GRAND SELECTION of PRIZES . [Supporting ClicSargent, Cancer & Leukaemia in Childhood.] **** YOUTH CLUB CHRISTMAS CARDS Designed by village children - available from Carol **** CHRISTMAS DAY FAMILY SERVICE at 9.30am at ST MARY’S CHURCH – ALL WELCOME A family eucharist for Christmas led by Neville Adams on this special day in the Christian calendar **** Start 2015 in full voice! A Free Singing Taster Session Led by Jonathan & Sally Jevons On Thursday 8th January from 7.30 to 8.30pm At Netherhay Chapel For anyone over 16 who enjoys singing No experience necessary Discover the pleasures of singing with others in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. At the end of this session participants will have the chance to enrol on a series of 6 weekly sessions – a way to beat the glooms of winter! [For more info, contact Andrew.] **** LEARN A LANGUAGE in 2015 - French or Spanish for Beginners Adult lessons in either language. A six-week course (total £40), one hour per week starting in January. For further information please contact Barbara Wright. **** NEW YEAR’S EVE: Pub Open from 6.00pm til LATE - DANCING IN THE SQUARE at MIDNIGHT! **** Gardening Club/ Horticultural Society News: Photography The long dark evenings may seem like an odd time to tell you about the Summer Show, but we hope this helps. We thought knowing the titles of each class, well in advance, would give you plenty of inspiration, so here they are: "Wish You Were Here" (An A4 photograph on a mount); "Extreme Weather"; "Happiness"; "Hands or Feet"; "A Butterfly"; "A Well-Known West Country Building"; and finally "Modern Life in Monochrome". WED 21st JAN: 7.00 for 7.15pm start : QUIZ & FOOD – That special mix of brain & tummy teasers. |